Beginner vibes

This is not a New Year’s Resolution, but it is for sure something new.

If you scroll to the previous posts, you’ll go back in time almost five years — May 2014. I don’t exactly remember why I stopped blogging at that time, but it was without a doubt related to the “birth” of my company: Purple Pineapple Design. I had a lot on my plate, and fashion, style or blogging were not at all the my top priorities.
Also, let’s keep in mind how  written fashion blogs slowly decayed as Instagram rose and took (the main) place in our lives.

My Instagram feed also had ups and downs, and despite being my all time favorite platform, I had to admit its glory days are in the past. With payed advertisement and the non-chronological order of posts the magic has faded.

So, why coming back? Well, I miss being creative on my own, and not just for work purposes. I miss having an online voice.
I know I still enjoy all the things that made me create this blog, in a more mature, slower way. So let’s see where this leads me.

PS – I did some rebranding of the blog’s image, but the title will stay the same because, well, it is really a good definition about how my mind works. + 2nd blog anniversary, blogger, buying the domain, macbook pro

Hello everyone! Welcome to our new address! is finally here! *yay*

This blog is now two years old, despite I didn’t start taking it seriously till september 2012 probably. It has had it’s ups and downs, and I almost quit when I was having too much school work too handle and I thought I couldn’t blog anymore.
No I feel more passionate about blogging than ever — it’s not only about shopping the latest trend or showcasing pretty outfits; it’s my favorite hobby, and an important part of who I am today.

I want to keep improving Style & Expect, posting more often and creating new content is what I am willing to do. I hope I can count on you guys on this journey, your support, comments and motivation have been so important!

I’ll be thrilled to hear if you had any new suggestions, post ideas or anything new you would like to see on this blog. So far I have some new ideas in mind, and some surprises too so stay tuned!

PS – You can add me on Bloglovin again, since the url changed my posts will no longer appear on the previous account.

Joana from Style & Expectfacebooktwitterpinterestbloglovin

Sunday’s shopping list

shopping, zara, little black bag, leather bag, black bag


Time for another shopping dilema: I’m looking for the perfect little black bag.
It’s getting a bit ridiculous how I don’t have one of those in my closet. I have two large black shoppers, and several small everyday cross-body bags in different colors. However lately I’m all about finding the perfect staple pieces that I can wear for the longest time, and there’s something about bags that’s making it kind of difficult for me. I’m too picky I guess. I don’t wear leather (the above from Zara is actually leather; I wouldn’t buy it but the model is similar to what I want); I don’t want anything to shiny, embellished or printed; it cannot be too big but it has to fit nicely all my everyday shenanigans; it must have a zipper.
Plus, it can’t be expensive. Expensive bags are not my thing – yet!

shopping, mango, little black bag, leather bag, black bagshopping, parfois, little black bag, leather bag, black bag
Mango // Parfois

My problem is some bags look ok while in the store, but when you get to wear you realize they don’t fit anything inside, either because the material is to rigid or they won’t close after having more than just your cell phone inside. OR they are huge bowler bags and besides putting way too much stuff inside them, I end up not finding anything (classic girl problem).
One other thing is I always do some online research before hitting the mall, and most times  everything looks totally different!

Let’s just hope I can find the perfect one soon enough, and as for you I hope you are having a wonderful weekend :)

Joana from Style & Expectfacebooktwitterpinterestbloglovin

Lately on Instagram #1

instagram; joana_id instagram; joana_id, glasses, red lipstick

New glasses & a new red look.

instagram; joana_id

Yup, still into stripes and everything navy. sneak-peek of today’s outfit.

instagram; joana_id

I try to eat healthy, except when there’s cake.


Hello guys! This week my Instagram feed was loaded with cute stuff, from my new glasses to the gorgeous desserts above. I’m also keeping up with my photography challenge (#desculpashámuitas), but not everyday. Today’s theme was water and I didn’t felt like doing it, nor did I want to take a picture of a glass of water just because. Anyways, I getting great feedback from doing it, and I feel my effort in taking better pictures is paying off! :)

If you are as into Instagramming everyday as I am, leave me a comment with your link so I can check out your account! I’d love that!

Wishing you all a nice weekend!

Joana from Style & Expectfacebooktwitterpinterestbloglovin